The process of introducing new employees to the company, their coworkers, and their job responsibilities is known as new employee orientation. New employees are especially vulnerable to injuries because they are inexperienced with work processes and procedures. Health and safety procedures must be included in the new employee orientation. Orientation helps them learn the current workplace risks as well as their own personal safety obligations. New employee orientation is crucial for a variety of reasons as it:
Enhances workplace safety and ensures employees' general well-being
Ensures legal/regulatory compliance
Raises employee awareness
Establishes a strong connection between all employees and the organization's health and safety policy
Increases employee motivation and trust in the organization
Reduces fatal accidents and injuries
Increases communication between employees and management
New employee safety training should be included as part of the orientation process and should be completed before the person begins work. The following topics should ideally be covered as part of safety orientation:
Creating and sustaining a safety culture and a commitment to injury prevention
OHSA guidelines for the job and the company, including each employee's right to refuse to conduct any task that they believe unsafe until safety protocols are in place
Procedures for dealing with safety hazards and accidents, including how to respond and how to report them
Site-specific information, such as the Emergency Response Plan and key contact numbers
Clearly explain the disciplinary actions that will be taken as a result of company rules violations
As needed, site-specific training and refresher training.
Employee safety has become a key concern, owing to the implementation of stringent HSE regulations in many jurisdictions. Protecting new employees from workplace injuries is becoming a higher priority for many organizations. Identify the risks to your employees and create a plan to offer them with the information and resources they need to stay safe at work.
Let Gemba Group Solutions help you with your New Employee Orientation programs. We can build your program for in-person delivery, self-guided eLearning, or in video format complete with an evaluation.