Our Leadership Team

Lee Lawrence
Founding President

With over 20 years of experience in Health & Safety and the Skilled Trades, Lee is an accomplished CRST, NCSO and Red Seal certified Master 309A & 442A Electrician in the province of Ontario.
Starting on the production floor as an electrician, Lee has a knowledge and passion for utilising the shop floor as a resource to gauge the organization’s current level of engagement and compliance to corporate cultural goals. Passionate about improvement of Workplace Safety Culture, Lee specializes in hazard assessment, policy and process development, incident investigations, employee education, and anything related to Electrical Safety in the workplace. Lee leverages his years of problem-solving, troubleshooting, leadership and interpersonal skills to create a high touch client experience for you.
Lee works hard to establish a strong moral and ethical code within the organization, and leads by example to ensure that all team members work towards using plant floor expertise and leadership to help clients achieve their goals. Lee empowers team members to use a combination of their knowledge, experience, and strong interpersonal skills to achieve success and quality.
Lee leads teams and projects related to Health & Safety, and together with Jason, teams and projects related to Learning & Development.

Jason Questor
Executive Vice President:
President, Leadership and Culture Division
Jason has over 35 years professional experience in learning systems development and delivery; leadership and management development; business and information technology management; organizational culture assessment; project management and business analysis; product management; marketing communications, and sales. Originally with Honeywell Information Systems, Jason is the author of hundreds of programs, courses, articles and presentations in the above areas.
Jason is a sought after, acknowledged expert in Leadership Development, Project Management, and Business Analysis best practice, coaching and training. He has developed and delivered fully customized and behavioural competency based corporate and post-secondary education and training programs, for global, national and local government and private sector clients across multiple industries.
Jason has served and both Editor and Contributor to professional certification standards in business analysis. He provides analysis, facilitation and executive level coaching in organizational culture and leadership effectiveness assessment and optimization. Jason speaks at international conferences on Leadership, Project Management and Business Analysis.
Jason leads teams and projects related to leadership and management effectiveness, organizational learning & development strategy and execution, enterprise level program management, business process management, sales and business competency development, cultural assessment and optimization, and organizational effectiveness.